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Curse of Death

Type: Divine (Evil or Neutral); [negative][attack]

Power Rank: 3 

Range: Caster 

Duration: Instant 

Area of Effect: 15' Radius 

Activation Time: Full 

Defense: See Below

       Through the use of curse of death, the caster causes up to 6  creatures as designated by the caster to be hit with 20 points of damage  plus 1 per success with the area of effect.  This has Fatigue Cost of  18 per casting.  If used as a PR 6 spell the area of effect increases to  25', and effects up to 8 creatures. In order to avoid the 20 points of  damage targets must meet or beat a Willpower check at a TS of 4.  To  avoid all damage the target must meet or beat the total number of  successes achieved by the caster.

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