Air Dragon
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Physical Description
Atufolk or Athus are a sentient reptilian humanoids similar in looks to koboru. They have beaked mouths, four-fingers, long necks, their long tails end in tufts of hair. Athus have large, pointed ears similar to that of a bat. They are generally a mottled green in color, with white, black or gray hair. Their eyes are generally golden in hue with amber flecks. They have reversed knees with long legs that end in four clawed toes.
Most atufolk tend to be calm, straightforward thinkers. Rarely will they take any action without an almost assured outcome. This makes them expert gamblers who enjoy testing their wits and strategy. Atufolk find themselves working as advisors, detectives, and in other lines of professions that require tactical and analytical thinking. These are a set of natural instincts that all atufolk are born with, often using their innate skills to work out solutions to problems most are unaware even exist. Their sharp minds and keen sense of observation are highly valued among adventurers. They are very observant and eager to learn more about the large Omniverse. Atufolk have an aged sense of wisdom, and a unique childlike excitement in discovery of new places and locations. Most atufolk believe in taking each day as it comes, and find it odd that anyone that believes that they have learned, done and seen all there is, is doing themselves a great injustice.
Languages and Names
All atufolk speak Hwar, a language made up of a large number of sounds beyond simple words that add to their overall linguistics. These include tongue clicking, beak clicking, and shrill sounds similar to whistles and squawks. While the verbal component is easily picked up by other species, the added clicking, whistles and squawks which adds to the total verbal language is nearly impossible to recreate.
Cultural Kin and Communities
They have are often referred to by ha'vatu for advice on unique and unusual technological issues that they are unable to solve. They have proven to be excellent instructors and masters to those that look to learn jinhu or even technological engineering.
Atufolk do not favor the gods, but death holds a mystical place in their culture. When atufolk die it is believed that their souls (called the Hathu) will seek out the Astion to return the life essences and be re-born as a new atufolk in the future. Despite their non-belief in gods or deities, atufolk have a deeply spiritual society, and this believe is a major unifying force within the various communities. Their spiritual leader, which is often a female called the Iskal are empowered with a great deal of moral and political authority, advising and influencing the communities leader called the Jhusta.
The Iskal was chosen from a council of monks referred to as the Jhumtar the title given to atufolk spiritual leaders. Either sex of atufolk is equally capable of achieving any level within this spiritual structure. The atufolk spirituality is based upon the revelations of the ancient atufolk working with jia (JEE-yuh), who came to learn about the power of the hathu has and the importance of maintaining a pure hathu through out life so that through the Astion and their re-birth will be insured.
Atufolk families are divided into castes, called Kajars, which tend to dictate a atufolk's place within the community. These castes are not meant to divide the communities into higher and lower castes, but away for the community to ensure that its needs are met from merchants to artists to teachers to spiritual leaders. Each family wears a large, chained earring on their left ear that symbolizes their family and their kajar.
Atufolk Features
Species Merit Cost: 1200
Age: 12-20, live to be over 100 yrs
Size: Atufolk tend to be medium creatures, (4 to 5 Feet)
Weight: Base 125 plus 2d10
Vision: Atufolk have normal vision
Move: Base Move of 20 feet per Movement Action
Languages: Atufolk begin play speaking Hwar (Atufolk Common), Cor Shan (Ta' jahu Common), Uthai (Syliph Common), and Common
Resistances: +20 to Fear Checks and Horror Checks
Atufolk Bonuses: +15 Alertness checks, Immune to spells or powers that would cause them to fall asleep, +20 Fatigue Points
Atufolk Attribute Modifiers: +10 to any two: Stamina, Intelligence, Wits, Willpower
Atufolk Traits:
Sense Evil. An atufolk can determine if a creature or being is evil by taking a moment to concentrate on one target that is within 15’ of the atufolk. In combat an atufolk must concentrate for one full turn on a single target. The atufolk must make a Wits check at a TS of 2 to determine if the target is evil or not.
Psionic Thoughts. Atufolk have a very limited form of telepathy which grants them the ability to communicate with any willing creature within a 15’ radius of them. Addressing multiple targets is possible with a Willpower TS check of 1 per additional target above 1. They do not need to know the language of targets around them.
Species Abilities Atufolk begin play with two of the following abilities: Affable, Ancient Memories, Bond to the Land, Focused Mind, Jia Talent, Prehensile Tail, Unique Aptitude and Weave Talent
Species Abilities
Affable: You have that certain something that makes you even more likable. Anytime you attempt to influence (typically this includes Convince, Gaming, Haggle, Interrogate, or Leadership) other beings can make this check twice and take the better result of the two. Additionally, non-player character dispositions towards you always start off one level better than normal (for example, hostile changes to unfriendly).
Ancient Memories: You have a strong tie to the ancient wisdom and knowledge of the world and your ancestors. You gain four Lore skills, which also receive a +10 bonus to these skills.
Bond to the Land: Choose one of the following terrain types: Aquatic, Desert, Forest, Hills, Mountains, Plains, Swamp or Underground. So long as you are in this specified terrain you gain a +10 bonus to all skills dealing with Evade, Lore (Specific Region), Navigation, Search, Stealth, Survival, and Tracking.
Focused Mind: You gain +10 cumulative bonus for every hour you concentrate on any next non-combat skill check. You may only focus for 1/2 your Stamina modifier in hours to gain this bonus. During combat as a Simple Action you gain +10 bonus to any next non-attribute check that you make.
Jia Talent: Gain +10 bonus to either Divine Knowledge or Jinhu Discipline and gain +10 Fatigue Points.
Prehensile Tail: Your long tail is highly flexible and you have mastered its control. You can use it to retrieve small objects, hold onto small objects and be able carry these small objects as easily as if they were in your hand.
Unique Aptitude: The creature is a unique individual among its species and stand out from the norm, displaying attributes and abilities not common among its people. it may take another species’ ability. Weave Talent: Gain +10 bonus to either Divine Knowledge or Spellcraft and gain +10 Fatigue Points. This cannot be used with Jia Talent.