Most wereeagles tend to develop rather haughty attitudes, though they are often focused on following a good philosophy, though many tend to be of a neutral outlook. In their humanoid form, wereeagles develop some specific physical features. They tend develop sharper features, high cheek bones, more hawkish snouts or noses, their pupils change to a vertical line allowing for highly focused highly focused vision and provide accurate distance vision and accurate distance vision. Additionally, many grow feathers along the back of their heads down along the nape of their neck. In their hybrid form wereeagles are magnificent in their visage. They sprout powerful, feathered wings, talons sprout into sharp, hooked claws at the end of their toes. Thick feathers sprout over most their body, and can range in color from deep auburn, to gray, to black and white, to a golden hue. Their head morphs into that of a powerful eagle, but their bodies remain humanoid in shape their arms remaining like that of their base species.
Bhahuuls and Trolls are immune to this therianthropy.
As theiranthrope, wereeagles are considered the alpha of the Asphikos (avian therianthropes). Those with this therianthropy tend to be found in humans, Syliphs, and Fhen Khanurs. Myth holds that the first wereeagles were beings were children of the goddess Atura, or perhaps even the deity Daemah bestowed upon some of their priests as gift for their diligence. This was then passed down to their children, and their children's, children through out the ages.
Species Adjustments
These are the adjustments that a character with this therianthropy gain in addition to their character.
Merit Point Increase: +1500 per rank in addition to normal Species Merit Cost
Health Points: +10
Attributes: +10 to Stamina and Perception; OR
+10 to Wits and +10 Charisma
Move: Gain +10 to Base Movement
Vulnerability: Weapon Vulnerability (Thoicar) A wereeagle is particularly vulnerable to the use of thoicar weapons. When this weapon is used against them they suffer additional 2d10 of bonus damage.
Therianthrope Special Abilities in Humanoid form:
Animal Telepathy: A therianthrope-humanoid can mentally communicate with its specific animal types (rats, wolves, bears, bats, drakes, tigers, apes, etc.) within 90’.
Berserk: When a therianthrope-humanoid enters combat, there is a cumulative 10% chance each turn that it will go berserk. The uncontrolled creature goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest foe or smashing some object smaller than itself if no target is within reach, then moves on to spread more destruction. It gains a +25 bonus for Attacks, gains 1 additional Full Action per turn, but suffers a -50 penalty to Physical Defense Checks. This lasts for d10+2 turns or until a therianthrope-humanoid is dead.
Hard to Kill: Anytime that a therianthrope-humanoid is reduced to 0 health it may make a Stamina Check. If successful a therianthrope-humanoid continues to fight and move on. A therianthrope-humanoid must make a new Stamina Check each time it is hit or once per turn until it can be healed or is killed. If it fails the check it dies instantly.
Natural Armor: The therianthrope-humanoid has a natural armor of (Stamina Modifier x3).
Regeneration: A therianthrope-humanoid can regenerate Health Points equal to (their Stamina modifier) health points per hour, along with regenerating lost limbs.
Hybrid Form Statistics
These are the adjustments that a character gains when they transform into their hybrid form. These are always "in addition" to their species base along with their therianthropic species adjustments listed above.
Health Points: +15 (to PC Base)
Attack Skill: +10 (to PC Base)
Initiative: +10
Attacks: Claw/Bite (7/8;a10,b5) ;
Armor: Thick Skinned (Light Armor) (5); +5 Armor Absorb vs. Bludgeoning and Slashing weapon types
Physical Defense: +15 (to PC Base) Magical Defense: +15 (to PC Base)
Divine Defense: +10 (to PC Base) Jinhu Defense: +10 (to PC Base)
Move: +10 (to PC Base); Flight 60';MC:B Luck Points: 2 Vision: Nightvision Attributes: Sta: +10, Sta: +20, Agi: +10, Per: +15
Int: +10, Will: +15
Special Abilities
Detect Heartbeat Three times per day for 1 turn as a Basic Action a wereeagle can hear the heartbeat of living creatures within 15’ radius of itself.
Flight (winged) During flight any skills that require concentration suffer -20 penalty, while hovering any skills that require concentration suffer -40 penalty when being used (i.e. Attack Skill, Defense Skill, Spell craft, Jinhu Discipline, Divine Knowledge and other such skills.) With a Concentration Skill check this penalty is reduced by 5 per 2 successes on the skill check. They can carry up to ten times their Stamina Score in total weight with no penalties. Wearing medium types of armor slows their flight movement by one-quarter while wearing heavy armor reduce their movement by one-half.
Harming Screech Once per turn as a Simple Action a wereeagle is able to emit a piercing sonic screech in a 20’ radius around itself causing (3 points of damage per 20 Willpower of the creature) points of sonic damage and are staggered for 2d10 turns. Targets are able to make a check vs. Stamina check at a TS of 4 to avoid this damage. This is sonic energy type.
Pierce Anytime that a wereeagle gains a Critical Hit and damages the target with a piercing natural attack, the attack ignores all forms of armor absorption.
Superior Flight Three times per day for up to 5 turns a wereeagle may quadruple its normal fly rate.
Animal Form Statistics
These are the stats of the specific animal form that the therianthrope takes on.
Eagle Form (Large Sized)
Health Points: 101
Attack Skill: 94/84; +5 Str Dmg
Attacks: Claws (7) or Bite (9)
Armor Type: None
Physical Defense: 65 Magical Defense: 62
Divine Defense: 59 Jinhu Defense: 54
Str: 75 (5), Sta: 71 (5), Agi: 74 (5), Per: 76 (6)
Int: 69 (4), Wits: 70 (4), Will: 70 (4), Cha: 75 (5)
Move: Flight (Winged) 120' MC:B Vision: Normal
Alertness 78, Evade 84, Search 85, Track 100
Special Abilities
Brash Attacks Once per turn an eagle is able to attack with such fierceness and aggressiveness that it catches opponents off guard. Opponents are granted a Wits vs TS 2, those that fail suffer a -40 to Physical Defense each turn they are attacked. Brash Attacks are not cumulative against the same target in the same turn.
Deep Scratch With a successful claw attack an eagle deals an additional 2d10+5 points of bonus damage.
Flight (winged) During flight any skills that require concentration suffer -20 penalty, while hovering any skills that require concentration suffer -40 penalty when being used (i.e. Attack Skill, Defense Skill, Spell craft, Jinhu Discipline, Divine Knowledge and other such skills.) With a Concentration Skill check this penalty is reduced by 5 per 2 successes on the skill check. They can carry up to ten times their Stamina Score in total weight with no penalties. Wearing medium types of armor slows their flight movement by one-quarter while wearing heavy armor reduce their movement by one-half.