Call the Dead
Ability Prerequisite: Lore (Dark Magic) 65; Hex Magic (Legendary Tier);
Fatigue Point Cost: 20 per use
Merit Point Cost: 1200
Action Type: Full Action
Once per day, as a Full Action, you are able to raise any dead animal, beast, humanoid or monstrous humanoid that is three or more ranks lower (minimum 1st Rank) than you and is within 15' radius of you. They will rise out of the ground, if they are able to, and within range. This takes d10+1 turns for them to dig their way out of the ground. You can raise 1 dead creature per two successes of the the user's Lore (Dark Magic) check at a time but not have more than 12 at any one time.
These are not undead creatures and will perform three commands per turn as directed by you (attack, move, stop, etc.) to the best of their ability. They can move at 1/2 the movement rate listed for the creature in the Bestiary. They have a basic attack score equal to ten (10) times your Willpower Modifier to a maximum of 100, but a clumsy defense of five (5) times your Willpower modifier (maximum of 50). They will deal a base damage of 3 with their natural weapons and 5 for any weapon they may have. They have no health to speak of and will crumble to the ground in a heap if they take more than half of your Willpower Score in damage. They will remain active for 1 turn per your Willpower Modifier and requires 20 Fatigue to use.