Psychic Infiltration
Ability Prerequisite: Psychic Healing; Meditate 85, Lore (Esoteric Power ) 85; Int and Will 90
Fatigue Point Cost: 15 per use
Merit Point Cost: 1200
Action Type: Full Action
Focusing for a moment you are able to use your psychic power to gain mind-altering power against a single target that is within 60-feet of you. Targets are granted a Willpower or Intelligence check at a TS equal to 4 plus 1 per 5 ranks to repel your attempt. Those that fail suffer from one of the following emotions per your choice. Targets that are immune to the charmed condition are unaffected by this attempt. Fear:The target spends your Willpower Modifier in turns moving as far away from you as possible.
Desire: The target covets an object that you designate within 60' and that you both can see. It will spend 1 turn per 3 Meditate skill check successes attempting to obtain and keep it.
Despair: The target feels great despair and suffers -1 success per 3 Meditate skill successes on all checks for 1 turn per 3 Meditate skill check successes.
Distraction: Target is considered Stunned for 1 turn per 3 Meditate Succes.
Paranoia: The creature attacks an ally with disadvantage.
Targets can attempt to end these affects with a Willpower or Intelligence check at a TS of 6.