Time Delay
Type: Element( Air or Spirit); Jinhu; [alteration]
Power Rank: Varies(5,7)
Range: 60'
Duration: See Below
Area of Effect:
Defense: See Below
Creatures(PR 5): Time Delay allows the caster to target a number of creatures equal to their 1 per 2 of their Willpower modifier causing them to falter and stall in their actions. Targets are granted a Magical or Jinhu defense check at a TS equal to 1 per 3 successes. Those that fail have their turns delayed for 1 turn.
Spells (PR7): The caster can now cause one of their spells that they cast after the use of this spell, to be delayed up to 5 minutes per Willpower Modifier (up to maximum of 1 hour). Only spells that target can target up to a 10' diameter area (including spells that affect the caster), once the target spell is cast all variables of the spell cannot be changed. The caster can have up to their Willpower Modifier in delayed spells cast, but cannot activate more than one spell per turn as a Simple Action. But the spell can be triggered earlier if desired (For example: Gravity drop could be delayed for 5 turns, but activated if the caster wanted on turn 3). These spells if the affect an area can be detected through the use of Spellcraft checks or other magic detecting abilities.