Monster Hunter
While there heroes within the world that take on all manner of beasts, supernatural beings and abominations, you have taken to a darker road, walking down roads hidden by mist and myth. They are fanatical and bent on destroying the more dangerous and most foulest of entities that plague the world by embracing the dark powers of forbidden knowledge. They obsessively hunt for answers that only dark, forgotten magics and eldritch alchemy can give in order to become the perfect hunter of monsters. These individuals have chosen to merge the pursuit of deadly fighting and the elements of the most wicked of magics.
Hook: Like most tragic stories, yours begins with the death of your family or clan at the hands of foul beast or some other monstrosity. You have devoted your life to hunting down and killing monsters, specifically the type of entity (you may pick this monster type, but cannot be all dragons, or all undead) that you believe killed your clan or family.
Hook: The lands are dark and filled with terror and civilization, even the smallest hamlet, are beacons of light that must be protected and kept burning in this darkness.
Hook: The reason you began walking down a lonely road is now lost in your memory, but you have chosen to do so. You spend your days researching and searching for cabals, covens, cults or klatches of foul entities.
Associated Skill Bonuses: Pick 3: +10 to either Alchemy, Chanting, Herbalism, Lore (Monster, Nature, or Demons), Research, Survival (Any 2 Types)
Associated Bonuses: Gain One: +20 Bonus vs. Fear and Horror Checks; +5 Heroic Luck; or +10 Health
Starting Silver: 500 silver pieces