Since the beginning of shipping and merchants there have always been those that have a need, a desire for those things that are regulated or out right forbidden. Throughout these ages and in every civilization, there are those that deliver on these needs and desires. All of which spells opportunity to a few entrepreneurs that have taken on the risks of breaking laws, political mandates or religious creeds to make available to those that are only reserved for the few in the world.
Hook: You were once a former government official and watched those in power broker deals with less the favorable individuals, and saw how those criminals profited. So you but your toes in to see if you could make some extra silver and found out just how profitable this first venture was. That is until you got pinched by the same official you worked for and found yourself on the other side of the law.
Hook: Working as a dock master's hand you "grew up" bootlegging monastic wines, making crates disappear as dock inspectors moved from warehouse to warehouse, and you honed your craft duping the city watch and tariff inspectors while you moved illegal shipments of art, antiquities and sometimes beings into and out of cities.
Hook: Orphaned at an early age you ended up in the crew of a notorious gangster (or pirate) where you were treated cruelly. During your enslavement you learned how smuggling operations worked, or at the very least a basic understanding of how they work. After escaping many years later you turned to smuggling with higher motivations than the your previous "master". Now you work to bring much need supplies to those that are under the thumb of this or that tyrant while evading hired mercenaries while you help escaped slaves along hidden paths to freedom.
Associated Skill Bonuses: Pick 3: +10 to either Convince, Information Gathering, Lore (Criminal Networks), Navigation, Pilot (Choose 1), Skepticism
Associated Bonuses: Gain One: +5 Magical, Divine, or Jinhu Defenses; +5 Heroic Luck; or +10 vs. Insanity Checks
Starting Silver: 500 silver pieces