Tarimizat, also known in other dimensions as Typhiras, is known as the Queen of Chaos and the Mother of Monsters. At one point she was known as the Mother, this is a title that has long been forgotten. She is thought to be one of the three Grand Dukes of all Neter-Kheret Primus Rhiki and a lesser deity. Tarimizat is mostly commonly portrayed as giant serpent with multiple tails, the upper body of a female form, the head of a hooded-dragon and 2 sets of long arms that end in a three-clawed hands. She is commonly worshiped as the mother of all monsters, medusi, and the cruel bhatoh yokah (Tarimizat's demonic serpent folk). She is also venerated by dragons of all types. In her demon form she stands some 60 feet in height, but her full length is closer to 120 feet.
Through out the eons mortal kind has sought out and have attempted to eradicate her many children, the known monsters of the Omniverse, but there has been a deep hatred for the bhatoh yokah. Seen as abominations of the natural world, these creatures are hated, feared and ultimately hunted down.
Tarimizat is arrogant, greedy, hateful, spiteful and vain. She also never forgets any slight made against her. She has never forgiven mortal kind committed against her children, she holds a dark sense of adoration and pride for her children as they managed to repeatedly thwart mortal kinds attempts to eradicate them. As a result, she has turn against mortal kind and other living creatures.
Tarimizat makes her home the in caves of Nharak within the Gilgamrath Prime in the Celestial Realms.
(MP: 11250) (Legendary) 45th Rank - Evil (Gigantic)
Health Points: 825
Attack Skill: 426 Initiative: 53/48
Attacks: Claw (10) Bite (15) Tail (20); +34 Str Dmg
Armor: Demonic Hide (Heavy Armor) 135; +15 Armor Absorb vs. Bludgeoning; +10 Armor Absorb vs. Slashing; +5 Armor Absorb vs. Piercing; Immune to Tiny or Small Weapon Damage; 50% Magic Resistance
Physical Defense: 234 Magical Defense: 257
Divine Defense: 244 Jinhu Defense: 243
Move: 60’ Luck Points: 25 Vision: Perfect Nightvision
Attributes: Str: 223 (34) Sta: 227 (35) Agi: 134 (16) Per: 134 (16)
Int: 152 (20) Wits: 154 (20) Will: 157 (21) Cha: 163 (22)
Alertness 185, Convince 191, Climb 185, Evade 185, Feint 185, Healing 189, Information Gathering 189, Intimidation 191, Languages 191, Search 185, Skepticism 185, Stealth 185, Swimming 204, Survival 189, Track 189
Special Abilities
Ability Drain When successfully damaging a target, Tarimizat can cause an ability of the target to stop functioning for 1 day per rank of the creature. This can be avoided by the target with a successful Willpower check at a TS 4. This is a curse effect.
Antimagic Field Three times per day as a Basic Action Tarimizat can create an antimagic field in a 50’ radius around itself for 2d10 turns. This field suppresses any spell or magical effect used, brought into or cast into or through the area of effect. Magical effects include magical items, the ability to cast spells, or use of abilities that grant magical use (such as Innate Spells). The effects of the field have no effect on Tarimizat, or creatures of the same type, that is manifesting this ability.
Breath Weapon (Heat:Cone): Once per turn Tarimizat is able to breath out a blistering cone of heat that deals 140 points of damage. Those that are targeted gain a Stamina check at a TS of 10 to withstand the heat. Those that fail are caught in the cone of heat. This attack ignores all armor.
Cause Greater Fear Any being, other than creatures of the same type (demon), that is within 30’ of Tarimizat must make a Willpower check at a TS of 5. Those that fail are Frightened. Defense needs to only be made once per encounter with Tarimizat. This is a charm effect.
Crush (Constriction/Tail Crush) With a successful attack, Tarimizat can grapple a target and begin to crush it. If Tarimizat is twice the size of the target it can completely engulf the target, and can begin to crush the target with its body. Those attacked in this fashion are allowed an opposed Agility Check or Strength check to avoid this grapple effect. Tarimizat gains a +2 success bonus to this check. Those that fail are considered grappled by Tarimizat and take 2d10 points in damage plus Strength Modifier every turn, this damage ignores any armor absorption. Those that are held are allowed to attempt an escape from the crushing as per the grapple rules every turn. Unless Tarimizat releases the target it must be killed and its hold forcefully opened.
Deadly Silent Tarimizat is able to move so silently that it causes all those that attempt to listen for it to suffer -50 to any Perception (Hearing) checks or make a successful check vs Alertness at a TS of 10.
Enslave, Greater Once per turn as a Full Action Tarimizat can attempt to enslave any target that is within 30’ of it. The target is granted a Willpower Check at a TS of 10 or become enslaved by the creature. An enslaved target obeys Tarimizat’s commands until freed by remove curse. The control is also broken if Tarimizat dies or travels more than (10 miles per creature Willpower Modifier) miles from the enslaved. This is charm effect type.
Flight Through the use of this ability Tarimizat is able to fly without wings at a MC of B. Tarimizat can perform this four times per day and it lasts for 6 hours. Tarimizat is able to fly at a speed equal to twice its normal movement as well as hover in place. Unlike winged flight Tarimizat does not suffer any penalties to skills that require concentration to use. They can carry up to 2050 pounds in total weight with no penalties. Wearing any armor greater than light slows their flight movement by half.
Frightful Presence The presence of Tarimizat can cause fear in others, other than creatures like itself or of evil philosophy. It has an effective area of 60' radius. Targets within the area must succeed at a Willpower check at a TS of 10 or become Frightened (Fear, See Legends of Kralis). Defense needs to only be made once per encounter with Tarimizat. This is charm effect type.
Hallow/Corrupt Three times per day as a Simple Action Tarimizat can use either the spell hallow or corrupt area as an innate ability. If Tarimizat leaves the area, the effects of the spell end.
Innate Spells (Spells) Each of the castings have25 total successes. Tarimizat can call upon the use of each of these spells twice per day.
Multiple Initiative Tarimizat gains an additional full turn. This turn takes place its initiative.
Planar Traveler As a Move Action Tarimizat is able to instantly travel to and from another plane of existence.
Poison Sting (Poison Type L) Tarimizat is able to poison another being via a sting as part of its normal attack. Those that fail their defense check are hit by this poison stinger. Targets are allowed to make a standard Stamina check vs. Poison at TS of 10. This has an onset of instant; and does 75 FP dmg, 30 HP dmg, 35 Dmg to all Attributes, plus Confuse and Staggered until healed or for 20 hours.
Rending Screech Three times per day as a Full Action Tarimizat is able to create a 15’ long cone with a width of 10’ of violent screams that can tear large chunks of tissue and rending bone, this attack causes 3d10 +31 in points of damage to all within the cone. Those that are within the attack area are allowed to make an Agility check at a TS of 10 to avoid the screech.
Smite Good Tarimizat deals additional damage to any creature that is of a Good philosophy. Tarimizat deals an additional 20d10 in bonus damage. This is ability is always on. This is a force energy type.
Sunlight Powerlessness Tarimizat is utterly powerless in bright light or natural sunlight and will attempt to flee from it if possible. Caught in this type of light cannot attack and can take only 1 action per turn until it is able to leave the area of the light. This is a curse effect type.
Superior Healing Three times per day as a Simple Action Tarimizat can heal 3d10+31 Health Points.
Tail Slap As a Simple Action Tarimizat is able to tail slap anyone that is behind them within an arc. Those targeted by a tail slap may attempt to dodge the slap by making a Physical Defense at -40 penalty. Those that fail are struck normally for 7d10 points of fatigue damage and knocked back based on size 30'.