Type: Element (Any);Divine (Any); [force][creation]
Power Rank: 6
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 Minute
Area of Effect: 1 Blade
Activation Time: Simple
Defense: None
Casting Chromatica you summon a multi-color blade into your hand. This blade will last for 1 minute (6 turns) and must be used with your WeaponCraft (Agi) Swords skill. Whenever you are successful in hitting a target with the blade you deal at random on of the following effects. Roll another d10 to determine the effect.
1. Crimson - The blade deals 5 burning fire damage per success.
2. Amber - The blade deals 5 positive energy damage per success, against the undead this is increased to 8
3. Sapphire Blue - The blade deals 5 electrical damage per success.
4. Emerald Green - The blade deals 5 poison damage per success, this type B poison
5. Orange - The target must make a Willpower check at TS 5 or be frozen in place for d10 turns. Each turn the target gains an additional Willpower check to end the effect.
6. Amethyst - The blade deals 5 cold damage per success. With a critical hit the target must make a Willpower check at aTS of 4 or be paralyzed with cold suffering a -25 to all skill checks for d10 turns.
7. Smoke Grey - The blade deals 5 points of negative energy damage per success, against those of good philosophy this is increased to 8.
8. Opal Iridescence - The blade deals 5 sonic damage per success. Targets that are struck must make a Perception check at a TS of 4 or be deafened suffering -25 to all skill checks for d10 turns
9. Pearl White - The blade deals 5 burning light damage per success. Targets that are struck must make a Perception check at a TS of 4 or be blinded suffering -25 to all skill checks for d10 turns
10. Ichor Yellow - The blade deals 5 acid damage per success. Targets will continue to burn 5 points per acid damage for 2d10 turns.