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Type: Element (Essence); [alteration][travel]
Power Rank: 8
Range: 120'
Duration: Concentration
Area of Effect: 10' Radius
Activation Time: Full
Defense: Special
As  a Full Action you are able to create a hole in space-time reality,  where time and matter do not follow the normal rules of reality. You  choose a point within 120' of you that you can see.  At the moment of  casting you cause a single point to begin to rapidly increase its mass  and size. The spell must be concentrated on over a period of five turns  for it to reach full effect.

  • On the first turn all creatures and  objects within the area of effect are pulled towards the point of the  singularity.  Creatures must make a Strength check at a TS of 8 or be  become grappled with the energy of the singularity.

  • The  second turn that you maintain concentration, the area increases by an  additional 10' radius.  All creatures within the first 10' radius are  granted an new Strength check at a TS of 10 or become entangled by the  energy of the singularity.

  • During the third turn, the area  increases by an additional 10' radius (total 30' radius).  All creatures  within the second 10' radius must make a Strength check at a TS of 12  or be become grappled with the energy of the singularity. Those within  the first 10' radius are dragged toward the very center of the  singularity taking 50 points of damage per turn.

  • During the  fourth turn, the area increases by an additional 10' radius (total 40'  radius).  All creatures within the third 10' radius must make a Strength  check at a TS of 14 or be become entangled with the energy of the  singularity.  Those within the second 10' radius must make a Strength  check at a TS of 8 or be become entangled with the energy of the  singularity. Those within the first 10' radius now take 75 points of  damage per turn.

  • During the fifth turn, the area increases  by an additional 10' radius (total 60' radius).  All creatures within  the forth 10' radius must make a Strength check at a TS of 18 or be  become grappled with the energy of the singularity. Those within the  third 10' radius must make a Strength check at a TS of 8 or be become  entangled with the energy of the singularity. Those within the second  10' radius now take 50 points of damage per turn. Those within the first  10' radius now take 100 points of damage per turn.

  • On the  final turn the center becomes stable and you can end your concentration  collapsing the singularity.  All creatures within the first 10' radius  are granted a final Strength check at a TS of 20.  Those that fail are  pulled into the singularity, ripped from space and time, and thrown into  another, entirely different Universe. Only an Alter Reality spell has a  chance to bring them back.

Should the caster lose  or drop their concentration during any of the turns, the singularity  dissipates causing no further damage.

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