Kha Jasa
The Kha Jasa are a group of ancient relics, legendary items, used by individuals that grant bonded mortal incredible and incomprehensible powers and abilities. They are considered to be among the most power of legendary items in the Omniverse. Each Kha Jasa are a unique type of worn armor that appears to be in the shape of a beetle.
They come in six iridiscent colors: Gold-Green (Earth), Gold-White (Air), Gold-Blue (Water), Gold-Red (Fire), Gold-Silver (Spirit), Gold-Ebony (Essence).
They are an intelligent magical item that attaches itself to a user, bonding with them in a symbioitc relationship. This bonding grants the user and the Kha Jasa to share thoughts and emotions allowing them to communicate with each other via telepathy. The individual that has been bonded with a Kha Jasa as some control over when it is active and when it is not. The Kha Jasa will activate itself, if it feels that its user or itself are in danger.
All Kha Jasa view the natural world as one of the more important things in the all the Omniverse, no Kha Jasa will hurt nature or most creatures (animals, insects or beasts) thereof of its own volition, the bonded user can force its will over the Kha Jasa to harm these creatures at a Willpower check TS of 8. All Kha Jasa have the following abilities:
Sentience: Each Kha Jasa is sentient with its own personality, goals and purpose. - Unique
Armor Absorption: When a Kha Jasa bonds with a user, it is able to produce a thin, second skin like armor that covers the entire body of its user. This armor is in the color of the specific Kha Jasa. This armor has an absorption of 100. It gains a 50% resistance to all damage from spells or elements that the Kha Jasa is attached to.
Flight: The user of the Kha Jasa gains permanent flight as per the spell flight while the Kha Jasa is active.
Sight beyond Sight: The Kha Jasa is able to magically sense and view many aspects of beings and objects it can view. It can inform the user of conditions of a target, it can see apparitions, can see through illusions upto true and see those that are hidden by invisibility, and finally is able to see through disguises, and concealment.
Cloaking: The Kha Jasa is able to conceal itself and its bonded user with invisibiity, improved. This can be used three times per day for up to 30 minutes. - Healing: The Kha Jasa can heal its bonded user three times per day, healing them 5d10+10 each time.
Protection from Environment: The Kha Jasa allows the bonded user to survive in a variety of hazardous environments ranging from the Void to extreme temperatures, and other extreme atmospheres.
Reconfiguration: The Kha Jasa is able to reconfigure itself to create a wide array of tools and weapons. However, each of these may take the bonded user to sacrifice Fatigue in order to create them: -
Energy Sword and Shield (10 FP per turn): Sword Base Damage of 7; Shield absorption of 150
Claws: Base Damage of 4
Tools: Can create an array of standard tools; Specialized tools cost 5 FP per turn
Superior Flight: When in flight the Kha Jasa can accelerate its fly speed up to eight times normal. This lasts for 1 hour, but at these speeds the user lose maneuverability suffering -8 Succssess to all Agility based skill checks and Physical Defense. This can be maintained by the the bonded user by sacrificing 20 Fatigue per 10 minutes, or the bonded user can increase the fly speed by +1 time per 20 Fatigue spent to a maximum of 16 times normal speed.
Gold-Green Kha Jasa
Sentience: Int 90; Wits 120; Will 120; Cha 80
Energy Hand Cannons (Fire: Line)(20 FP per use): Once per turn you are able to shoot a line of fire that deals 90 points of damage. Those that are targeted gain an Agility check at a TS of 8 to dodge the attack. In addition, anything that is hit with the fire will burn for 3d10+5 turn(s) and take 5 points of damage every turn until put out or the item is burnt out. Only non-metal items can be burned. This attack ignores half armor. This has a range of 90'.
Improved Strength: Bonded users Strength increases by +50 while the Kha Jasa is active.
Gold-White Kha Jasa
Sentience: Int 90; Wits 80; Will 120; Cha 120
Arm Cannon (Supression Wave: Cone)(20 FP per use): Once per turn you can fire suppression wave cannons at a target. This hits them with concussive sound waves. Those that are targeted are granted an Agility check at a TS of 8 to dodge out of the way. Those that fail must make a Stamina check at TS of 6 or take 5d10+10 Fatigue Damage and are Staggered for 2d10 turns. These waves have a range of 120'.
Improved Agility:Bonded users Agility increases by +50 while the Kha Jasa is active.
Gold-Blue Kha Jasa
Sentience: Int 120; Wits 100; Will 90; Cha 80
Arm Elemental Cannons: (Lightning: Line)(20 FP per use): Once per turn the creature is able to release a bolt of lightning that deals 50 points of damage. Those that are targeted gain an Agility check at a TS of 10 to dodge the attack. Those struck will be stunned for 3d10+5 turn(s). This can be used as a Simple Action. This attack ignores half armor. This has a range of 90'.
Improved Perception:Bonded users Perception increases by +50 while the Kha Jasa is active.
Gold-Red Kha Jasa
Sentience: Int 90; Wits 120; Will 120; Cha 90
Chest Energy Cannon (Fire: Line) (20 FP per use): Once per turn you are able to breath a line of fire that deals 90 points of damage. Those that are targeted gain an Agility check at a TS of 8 to dodge the attack. In addition, anything that is hit with the fire will burn for 3d10+5 turn(s) and take 5 points of damage every turn until put out or the item is burnt out. Only non-metal items can be burned. This attack ignores half armor. This has a range of 120'.
Improved Agility: Bonded users Agility increases by +50 while the Kha Jasa is active.
Gold-Silver Kha Jasa
Sentience: Int 120; Wits 90; Will 100; Cha 120 - These Kha Jasa refuse to kill any non-undead entities, though supernatural and aberrations are subject to being judged worthy of life.
Hand Tentacles (20 FP per use): Once per turn you are able to unleash two hand tentacles from your palms. These powerful, metallic tentacles can reach out to a range of 25'. They can be used to grapple or grab a target, individually or together. These attempts gain half the bonded-users Willpower modifier as bonus successes for these attempts. They each have super strength of 150 (+20). They can wield weapons using the Kha Jasa's Intelligence as its attack score. They can also be used to climb with.
Improved Stamina:Bonded users Stamina increases by +50 while the Kha Jasa is active.
Gold-Ebony Kha Jasa
Sentience: Int 120; Wits 80; Will 120; Cha 80 Energy Hand Cannons (Essence Blast: Line)(20 FP per use): Once per turn you are able to shoot a line of dark essence. This blasts causes those that fail their attempt to jump out of the way to suffer -50 to all their checks for 3d10 turns. Those that are targeted gain an Agility check at a TS of 8 to dodge the attack. This has a range of 90'.
Improved Strength: Bonded users Strength increases by +50 while the Kha Jasa is active.
A Kha Jasa can take control of the host at anytime for its own purposes. The host can attempt to fight this off with a Willpower check at TS of 8. This "Domination" can last for as long as the Kha Jasa feels necessary.
Kha Jasa are very durable legendary items. They are notoriously difficult to destroy. In order to destroy a Kha Jasa the bonded user itself must through itself into the Pit of Ramalech on the 333rd level of Prax Dyn.