Gryllo are gigantic burrowing insects that invade fertile lands such as farmlands, old forests, and plains chasing down and devouring other creatures as well as eating their way through soil. They are related to termites and giant cockroaches.
Gryllo have long bodies, large triangular shaped heads with numerous eyes on either side. They have very hard chitinous shells which covers their entire bodies, leaving them with no vulnerable sides where protruding stone or other sharp objects that might cause severe damage to them when they are burrowing through the earth. They tend to be brown-gray to deep red or even black. It has two large, heavy set digging fore-legs that that it uses to crack through the earth and soil. These are also used for combat. Below these are another set of four raptorial arms that it uses to grab a hold of targets when it attempts to bite or eat them. It has a total of eight other legs attached to its lower body.
Gryllo tend to live for 10 to 15 years. They take up residence below the earth where they have dug out a communal hive nest where females have laid anywhere from 4 to 12 eggs, of which only 50% will survive to hatch. Once they hatch they grow incredibly fast and leave the hive by burrowing through the earth, creating small 2' diameter tunnels until they have exited the territory of its "parents."
Gryllo's eat rich soil and decaying plants, especially giant trees that have fallen. They also supplement their diets with the occasional fresh meat including livestock, herds of animals and other earth dwelling beings. They are able to tear through flesh with ease with their strong chitinous beaks and mandibles.
They are ambush predators and are able to seismically detect beings moving on the surface above their tunnels that they dug out. These tunnels can expand nearly a mile in diameter around their favorite hunting grounds. When they detect a potential target above they explode out of the earth and attack.
(MP: 1,830) (Uncommon) 7th Rank - Neutral (Huge, 10 to 30 ft long) (6-8th Rank Challenge)
Health Points: 75
Attack Skill: 90/80/70 Initiative: 16
Attacks: Claw (8; a10), Bite (7; a15); +16 Str Dmg
Armor: Hard Chitinous Armor (20) ; +10 Armor Absorb vs. Slashing/Piercing Weapon type
Physical Defense: 86 Magical Defense: 72
Divine Defense:67 Jinhu Defense: 66
Move: 40’ Luck: 2 Vision: Perfect Nightvision
Attributes: Str: 130(16), Sta: 131 (17), Agi: 66 (4), Per: 60 (2)
Int: 45 (-1), Wits: 50 (0), Will: 77 (6), Cha: 45 (-1)
Alertness 70, Search 71, Skepticism 67, Tracking 100
Creature Type: Insect
Treasure: Personal No; Lair Yes
Environment: forests, hills, mountains, plains
Organization: solitary, or pair
Special Abilities
Acid Glob The creature is able spit a large (5' diameter) glob of sticky burning acid at a single target once every 3 turns. Targets are granted an Agility check at a TS of 4 to avoid this glob. Those that are hit are unable to move until they are able to cut themselves free. This glob deals only d10 of damage when it first hits, but will continue to burn through objects for 3d10 turns dealing 10 points of damage per turn. This is an acid energy type.
Augmented Critical Anytime that a creature is critically successful with a skill check, they gain an additional +2 successes to critical determination roll.
Burrow As a Move Action the creature can move through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as walking normally. This burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole. If the creature is within (3’ per size category beginning with small) of the surface it causes a mound of dirt to rise showing the passage of the creature.
Bury The creature is able to attempt to drag a target that it successfully attacked below ground as a Move Action. Those that are targeted gain a Strength check at a TS of 4 to avoid being dragged underground. The target may attempt to dig itself out of the ground, the target may also attempt to hold their breath while they are digging themselves out. The creature can bury the target up to 3d10+10 feet underground.
Critical, Increased The creature causes a critical hit on a 01-10, instead of the normal 01-05.
Seismic Sense The creature cannot be effected by sound (sonic) attacks to deafen it as they “hear” through the movement of the earth. They can hear and understand all movement within 90’. So long as a character or opponent is on the ground the creature can pin point its exact location. It does not suffer any penalties to attack things that are invisible (including any darkness, hidden creatures, etc.) so long as the invisible being or creature is moving.
Spit Acid Three times per day as a Simple Action the creature can spit acid up to 30 feet. Targets are allowed an Agility check at a TS of 4. Those that fail this check are hit with acid that deals 3d10 points of acid damage, half of this damage always ignores armor absorption. The acid will continue to burn for d10 turns causing an additional d10+3 damage.