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      Khajaru (Ancient Common for "Great Disaster) are the Prima Terra  planes apex monsters and creatures.  They are manifestations of primal  chaos and forces of nature created at the beginning of time and space.   While there are many colossal or even mega sized creatures such as the  rhaavmorane that hunt and live within the Void. While these colossal and  mega creatures exist through out the Omniverse and are vulnerable to  death. The Khajaru are not mere mortal creatures.  They are tied to the  Prima Terra plane in much the same way deities are attached to their  planes of existence. Khajaru are feared by nearly all beings, except  perchance the deities themselves.  Khajaru are known to sleep deep  within the various worlds, beneath continents, kingdoms and nations.   What awakens them is truly unknown. Some never sleep beneath the world,  others rise to to cause utter chaos and destruction, still others rise  to fight other Khajaru who are destroying the natural mortal world. Many  sages and Realmswalkers believe that during the War of Gods the  Khajaru, along with many other creatures, were created to be weapons of  war and destruction.  During the 100,000 years of history, these forces  of nature now exist on nearly all the worlds through out the Omniverse,  in some cases many exist on a single world. They are creatures of  ancient chaos and the stuff of the Omniverse.

      Khajaru are not  things that most mortals can kill, some powerful entities (angels,  demons, undead, dragons, and other dimensional beings of great size and  power), gigantic to colossal sized creatures might have a chance to  outright slay a Khajaru; deities can by their very presence destroy a  Khajaru if they chose. As true forces of nature the best mortals can  attempt to do is either cause the Khajaru to retreat to rest or run from  their path of destruction until their rampage is over or another  Khajaru rises to defend the region or world.

       Being engaged with  a Khajaru means that mortals (i.e the players) are directly next to the  Khajaru (normal striking distance for weapons) or on the Khajaru.   While the most common attacks may be from missile weapons, unless they  are being fired from airships or even void ships, those engaged must be  close enough to hit the Khajaru, and most bows and rifles but those that  use them too close to a Khajaru's feet, or ground assault abilities of  the Khajaru. The most common way to engage with a Khajaru is for  attackers to be on the 'great disasters'.

       To defeat a Khajaru ,  either by killing it (very unlikely) or causing it to retreat to  familiar territory (its point of origin), retreating into the depths of  the Tav Aedhun (another world beneath), or perhaps another dimension  leading to a more ancient world in order to rest; attackers must find  and attack weak points on the bodies of these forces of nature.  All  Khajaru have anywhere from 4 to 10 regions that can be attacked and each  holds weak points for the khajaru that can be exploited, in very rare  cases and among the most paragon of the Khajaru, some have only one  weakness and it is well guarded either by thick armor or other means.  When at least half these regions have been weakened will a Khajaru  retreat away from battle to rest for any number of years before waking  up and returning to the world of mortals. In the end no Khajaru can be  killed by mortal means. 

             In order to engage with a  Khajaru attackers will need to be able to get on them either by jumping  on to the Khajaru from above, or grabbing a hold of it as it passes by  (either an Agility or Strength check at a TS of 8) similar to the Fighting the Big Guys rules.  All Khajaru are considered special terrain. Once attackers are on the  Khajaru they must work to stay on them.  This is generally done through  the use of several different checks as seen as appropriate: Acrobatics (TS 5), Climbing (TS 5), Strength (TS 8) or Agility (TS 8).

        The typical regions of a Khajaru are: Head, Torso, Right Arm, Left  Arm, Tail, Left Wing, Right Wing. Additional regions might include,  multiple arms, multiple legs, an additional head, an additional tail or  another set of right and left wings.

       Khajaru region weak points  are weaknesses that attackers can exploit in order to defeat a Khajaru.  Each region is listed in the stat block of the Khajaru, and its  associated weakness. Some weak points might be: fins, eye(s), snout,  tail tip, center of the chest, wings, whiskers, chins, "soft" spots,  etc. Each region has its own Health (Damage) Points but often uses the  khajaru's total Armor Absorption.  While each region does not have a  Physical Defense, each region shares the Khajaru's Magical, Divine and  Jinhu defenses. These regions are typically listed as Head 500 (Weak  Point: Eyes 250 HP).

      When melee attacking a Khajaru while  physically on it or near it (within normal strike range while flying )  and is being done by huge or smaller creatures, the Khajaru relies on  its Armor Absorption to protect itself rather than defend against it  with a Physical Defense check.  If it is facing a enemy larger than  huge, or weapons such as ballista, cannons, catapults, missiles, ship  blasters, or even airships, void ships or pherynja (Mecha-Rigs) then it  will attempt to avoid getting hit with its Physical Defense.

        When a region reaches 0 health the attacker has breached the ancient  magic that surrounds each Khajaru and exposes that regions weakness for  d10+2 turns before the Khajaru refocuses energy closing off the weakness  and regenerating health (each Khajaru can regenerate their Stamina  score in health 5 times per day) per each region.  Each weak point must  be dealt at least half of the regions damage before it closes off. When a  weak point is defeated, that region reduces the Khajaru's health by 1/2  of that region's amount and shuts down one of its abilities. It also  causes the Khajaru to make a Willpower check at specific TS (generally 2  per region defeated). Those that fail will fallback (digging under  ground, taking flight, diving into water, etc), taking time a short time  to regenerate before it returns to continue to battle. The greater and  more powerful the Khajaru , it may not fallback, rather it will  regenerate right where it stands.  When a Khajaru has failed 4 of these  checks the Khajaru will retreat to sleep once again for many days,  months,years or even centuries. 

Khajaru Statics Creation 

Attributes:  Khajaru Attributes begin with the following: 

  • Base Strength: 180

  • Base Stamina: 180

  • Base Agility: 30  

  • Base Perception: 30

  • Base Mental Attribute Scores: 50

  • Dice Rolls: 5d10 (re-roll 1's and 2's) 

Health Points:  Khajaru are generally Mega sized demi-god like creatures, their base health points begin with a base of 1000 Health Points. This  is increased by half their rank, plus 100 for its monster type  (khajaru), plus their Stamina Modifier and Willpower Modifier. 


  • Head:Half Total Health (Weak Point: 1/4 of Total Health)

  • Torso: Three-quarters Total Health (Weak Point: Half of Total Health)

  • Abdomen:Three-quarters Total Health (Weak Point: Half of Total Health)

  • Legs/Arms: One-quarter of Total Health (Weak Point: Half of Legs Total)

  • Miscellaneous Regions: Half Total Health (Weak Point:1/4 of Total Health)

 Attack Skill: 70+ Rank * 7 + Strength Modifier 

Attacks: Claw (Base Damage: 10-15); Bite (Base Damage: 15-20); Tail (Base Damage: 12-16); +Str Mod         

Armor: One of the following types: 

               Plated Hide (Heavy Armor): 195 +Stamina Modifier;  +15 Armor Absorb vs. Bludgeoning; +10 Armor Absorb vs. Slashing; +5 Armor Absorb vs. Piercing; Immune to Tiny or Small Weapon Damage; 15% Magic Resistance 

               Dragon Hide (Heavy Armor): 225 + Stamina Modifier; +15 Armor Absorb vs. Bludgeoning; +10 Armor Absorb vs. Slashing; +5 Armor Absorb vs. Piercing; Immune to Tiny or Small Weapon Damage; 15% Magic Resistance 


  • Physical: Base of  30; Plus Rank * 3; Plus Agility and Perception Modifiers

  • Magical: Base of  30; Plus Rank * 3; Plus Intelligence and Stamina Modifiers

  • Divine: Base of  30; Plus Rank * 3; Plus Charisma and Wits Modifiers

  • Jinhu: Base of  30; Plus Rank * 3; Plus Intelligence and Willpower Modifiers 

Move: 150'                   Luck Points: Charisma Modifier plus 1 per 5 Ranks            

Vision: Normal, Night, or  Heightened Skills: 30 + (Rank * 5) 

Armor: Claw (Base Damage: 10-15); Bite (Base Damage: 15-20); Tail (Base Damage: 12-16); +Str Mod         

Creature Type: Demi-god 

Khajaru Abilities 

Godlike:  Though not a true deity Khajaru are possessed of god-like powers. They  are immune to any attack that changes its form, has mind-effecting  abilities or spells, attribute damage, energy drain, health drain. It is  immune to any disintegration effects. The Khajaru is able to stop  magical effects dead in its tracks. As a Basic Action, 10 times per day,  Khajaru can counter any spell cast at it or it is within the area of  effect of the spell. This also suppresses any ongoing or permanent  magical effects for 3d10 hours. 

Ground Assault:  As a Move Action, all ground-based Khajaru can stomp the ground,  causing severe earthtremors. All creatures standing on the ground within  100 feet per 5 Strength Modifier of the Khajaru must make an Agility  check at a TS of 15 or an Agility check at a TS of 10 or fall  prone,while structures within the area take half the Khajaru's Strength  score in points of damage. Siege: Any  building or object that is greater than 50' in length, width or height  gains a d100 check at a TS of 6.  Those that fail are dealt the  Khajaru's Strength score in damage each time it is hit.  Anything less  than 50' is instantly crushed. 

Shake Loose:  As a Basic Action, a Khajaru can attempt to shake off anyone currently  engaged with it. All creatures that are on the Khajaru are granted a  Strength or Agility check at a TS of 10 or Climbing check at TS of 6.  Those that fail are shook off and suffer the appropriate falling damage  (Legends of Kralis Game Master's Guide pg. 99) from the distance they  have fallen and are considered prone for 2d10 turns if they survive they  fall. 

Swallow Whole: Anytime that a  Khajaru gains 4 or more successes with a bite attack it may attempt to  swallow a target. Once grabbed in such a way the target takes the  creature’s Strength Modifier damage from the bite, it is then swallowed  into the gullet and stomach of the Khajaru where it takes an additional  10 points of crushing damage plus 20 points of acid damage per turn from  the Khajaru’s digestive juices. A swallowed creature can cut its way  out by dealing 1/4 of the Khajaru’s total health points in damage to the  Khajaru’s digestive tract. Once the target has escaped it continues to  suffer from the acid as it clings to them until washed off. In addition,  the juices have a paralyzing effect and cause all those that attempt  make it out to suffer a -50 to all their skill checks, this effect lasts  for 1 hour after escaping the khajaru. The number of creatures  that can be held in a Khajaru’s belly is equal to the following: 16  Medium Sized Creatures or 8 Huge, 12 Large, 2 Gigantic, 48 Small, 64  Tiny 

Trample: As a Move action a  Khajaru can run over opponents of Gigantic or smaller size. They merely  have to move into and through an opponents space  to do so.  A Khajaru  trample deals 60+3d10 points of damage to all creatures caught beneath  the khajaru.  At the beginning of the Khajaru's turn, any creature that  remains under the Khajaru, they take this trample damage again. When a  Khajaru moves through an area, creatures caught under them are able to  attempt an Agility check at a TS of 10 to avoid taking damage.  Upon  success creatures are pushed to the side and avoid getting trapped  underneath the Khajaru and avoiding successive trample damage.  Those  that fail are trapped underneath them, they are unable to move, and will  continue to take trample damage until the Khajaru moves on or past  them. Each specific Khajaru gains four additional  additional specific abilities that can be deactivated as a region is  disabled. Each of these abilities should be matched with the concept of  their origins. 

Breath Weapon (Radiation:Line) :  The Khajaru does is able to breath a line of radioactive energy as a  Full Action.  This has a range of 350' and can strike an area that has a  30' radius. Those that are targeted gain an Agility check at a TS of 10  to dodge the attack. Those fail take an additional 120 points of  radiation damage. It also causes a temporary Radiation Poisoning,  targets are granted a Stamina check to avoid these effects.  Those that  fail suffer -4 successes to all checks until they can be healed or have  the poison removed. In addition, this breath weapon deals 1 point of  armor damage per every 10 points of damage dealt. This attack ignores  all armor. 

Breath Weapon (Super Heated Water: Cone):  Once per turn the Khajaru is able to blast an area with intense, super  heated water that deals 90 points of damage. Those that are targeted  gain an Agility check at a TS of 8 to dodge the attack. This breath  weapon ignores armor absorption and is a Full Action.  It has a range of  250' and has a terminus of 25' radius.             

Earthquake: Three  times per day as a Move Action the Khajaru is able cause the ground in  an area within 200’ of it to suddenly rip open: 40’ deep x 30’ wide x  60’ long. Those in the area of the rip are allowed an Agility check at  TS 8 to jump away from it. 

Energized Attacks: Three  times per day as a Move Action the Khajaru can charge its body with  electrical energy. While charged, all melee attacks inflict an  additional 3d10 points of electrical damage.  This additional electrical  damage ignores armor. 

No need for Air:  The Khajaru does not have a need to breath.  It is immune to all gases,  gas based attacks or the effect of  unusual atmospheres (such as the  Void, or underwater). 

Radiation Pulse: Three times per day, the Khajaru can create a wave of radiation, centered on itself and extending  150' radius outwards in a burst. All creatures caught in the burst take  the khajaru's Stamina Modifier x 10 points of radiation damage, and are  thrown backwards (knocked back) 10d10+100 feet, sustaining 10d10 points  of fatigue damage for every 10 feet thrown. All creatures in the area  are granted an Agility check at a TS of 8 to avoid the burst. 

Piercing Tendrils:  Whenever the Khajaru critically strikes (01-05) with its tendril  attacks, the tip of the tendril pierces the target dealing an additional  4d10+Strength Modifier in damage.  The Khajaru can attempt to hold on  to a target with a +50 to a Grapple check. 

Prism Eye Beams:  As a Full Action the Khajaru can fire a purple/white stream of light  from their eyes. This stream of light is 400' long that ends in a 30'  radius terminus.  Targets are granted an Agility check at a TS equal to 1  per 2 ranks of the khajaru (maximum TS 20) to dodge out of the way of  this beam. Those that fail are hit with 150 damage and are knocked back  10' per the Khajaru's Stamina Modifier in a random direction. Sonic Boom:  Any time that a flying Khajaru makes a "running" move, moves at 3 times  its normal movement, all creatures below it (double the creature's  width size) is blasted with sonic force as the khajaru breaks through  the sound barrier.  All creatures in the area of effect are granted a  Strength check at a TS equal to 1/2 the Khajaru's Strength Modifier  (maximum 15).  Those that fail are hit with 120 points of sonic damage  and are thrown out of the area taking three times the khajaru's Strength  Modifier in Fatigue damage. 

Suppress Life:  The Khajaru, as a Move Action, can radiate an aura of negative energy  that causes all creatures within 300' radius to become incapable of  regaining health or fatigue by any means, including from spells, magical  items, abilities, etc. 

Tendrils: The  Khajaru as 2d10 tendrils located at different locations (such as where  arms might be, tails, or on its back).  As a Move action the Khajaru can  slam the area around them up to 100'. These tendrils are 10' thick.   Creatures that are in an area that is targeted by the Khajaru are  granted an Agility check at a TS of 7 to dodge out of the way.  Those  that fail are crushed beneath the tendril taking 80 points of damage.  The Khajaru can target one area per tendril. 

Tidal Wave:  Once per turn as a Full Action the Khajaru is able to cause a gigantic  wave of water to slam into their opponents. This wave is generally 100’  high and 300’ wide. Those in the path of the wave must somehow get out  of the way of the wave. Those that do not are swept up into the raging  water and suffer 8d10+15 points of damage and be swept away up to 240'.   This can only be accomplished if the Khajaru is in water. A tidal wave  can cover 240’ in 3 turns. 

Windstorm: As a Move Action a winged Khajaru can create a powerful blast of wind by its wings. This blast creates  a 200-foot cone of hurricane force winds. The Khajaru can maintain this  for 1 turn per Stamina Modifier or end it at will. Natural fires are  unable to stay alight, ranged attacks into, or through the windstorm are  in impossible. Siege weapons or energy ranged weapons suffer a -10  success penalty. All those within the cone of wind are deafened, the  dust or rushing wind causes all things in the cone to be considered 100  concealed.  Any creature that is gigantic or smaller must make a  Strength TS at 3 per size difference between the Khajaru and the targets  (small would be TS of 15).  Those that fail are knocked back and down  20' per Strength modifier of the Khajaru and take 2d10 x khajaru's  Strength modifier in Fatigue Damage.  Flying creatures caught in the  windstorm are blown back 40' per Strength modifier and take d10 x  Khajaru's Strength modifier. Those that are successful in their  checks are able to find spots where the windstorm does not effect them  as much or at all during the turn. 

Kojorua - Beast of the Shore 

(MP:6240) Rarity: Rare              25  Rank - Neutral  (Mega: 350 Long, 150 wide, 125' tall)                                                           (23 - 31.5 Rank Challenge) 

Health Points: 1550 (725 / 375)                       Initiative: 29 /24 


                Head:500 (Weak Point: Eyes 250 HP)                                     

                Torso: 750 (Weak Point: Middle Thorax 375 HP)

                Abdomen:750 (Weak Point: Soft purple belly 375 HP)

                Legs:250 (Weak Point: 5 Knee Joints 125 HP)

                Left Claw:500 (Weak Point: Claw Joint 250 HP)

                Right Claw:500 (Weak Point:Claw Joint 250 HP) 

Attack Skill: 273 Attacks: Claw (14) Bite (21); +31 Str Mod                      

Armor:  Plated Hide (Heavy Armor) 115; +15 Armor Absorb vs. Bludgeoning; +10  Armor Absorb vs. Slashing; +5 Armor Absorb vs. Piercing; Immune to Tiny  or Small Weapon Damage; 15% Magic Resistance 

Physical Defense: 155   Magical Defense: 181 

Divine Defense: 163   Jinhu Defense: 161 

Move: 150'           Luck Points: 11         Vision: Normal 

Attributes: Str: 206 (31) Sta: 201 (30) Agi: 88 (7) Per: 82 (6)

                    Int: 99 (9) Wits: 104 (10) Will: 100 (10) Cha: 106 (11) 


Alertness  106, Climb 107, Evade 107, Feint 106, Intimidation 111, Search 106,  Skepticism 106, Stealth 107, Swimming 130, Survival 110, Track 109 

Creature Type: Demi-god 

Special Abilities 

Godlike:  Though not a true deity Khajaru are possessed of god-like powers. They  are immune to any attack that changes its form, has mind-effecting  abilities or spells, attribute damage, attribute damage, energy drain,  health drain. It is immune to any disintegration effects. The creature  is able to stop magical effects dead in its tracks. As a Basic Action,  10 times per day, Khajaru can counter any spell cast at it or it is  within the area of effect of the spell. This also suppresses any ongoing  or permanent magical effects for 3d10 hours. 

Ground Assault:  As a move action, all ground-based Khajaru can stomp the ground,  causing severe earthtremors. All creatures standing on the ground within  100 feet per 5 Strength Modifier of the Khajaru must make an Agility  check at a TS of 15 or an Agility check at a TS of 10 or fall  prone,while structures within the area take half the khajaru's Strength  score in points of damage. Siege: Any  building or object that is greater than 50' in length, width or height  gains a d100 check at a TS of 6.  Those that fail are dealt the  Khajaru's Strength score in damage each time it is hit.  Anything less  than 50' is instantly crushed. 

Shake Loose:  As a Simple Action, a Khajaru can attempt to shake off anyone currently  engaged with it. All creatures that are on the Khajaru are granted a  Strength or Agility check at a TS of 10 or Climbing check at TS of 6.  Those that fail are shook off and suffer the appropriate falling damage (Legends of Kralis Game Master's Guide pg. 99) from the distance they have fallen and are considered prone for 2d10 turns if they survive they fall.

Swallow Whole:  Anytime that a Khajaru gains 4 or more successes with a bite attack it  may attempt to swallow a target. Once grabbed in such a way the target  takes the creature’s Strength Modifier damage from the bite, it is then  swallowed into the gullet and stomach of the Khajaru where it takes an  additional 10 points of crushing damage plus 20 points of acid damage  per turn from the Khajaru’s digestive juices. A swallowed creature can  cut its way out by dealing 1/4 of the Khajaru’s total health points in  damage to the Khajaru’s digestive tract. Once the target has escaped it  continues to suffer from the acid as it clings to them until washed off.  In addition, the juices have a paralyzing effect and cause all those  that attempt make it out to suffer a -50 to all their skill checks, this  effect lasts for 1 hour after escaping the Khajaru. The number  of creatures that can be held in a Khajaru’s belly is equal to the  following: 16 Medium Sized Creatures or 8 Huge, 12 Large, 2 Gigantic, 48  Small, 64 Tiny

 Trample: As a Move  action a Khajaru can run over opponents of Gigantic or smaller size.  They merely have to move into and through an opponents space  to do so.   A khajaru trample deals 60+3d10 points of damage to all creatures  caught beneath the Khajaru.  At the beginning of the Khajaru's turn, any  creature that remains under the Khajaru, they take this trample damage  again. When a Khajaru moves through an area, creatures caught under them  are able to attempt an Agility check at a TS of 10 to avoid taking  damage.  Upon success creatures are pushed to the side and avoid getting  trapped underneath the Khajaru and avoiding successive trample damage.   Those that fail are trapped underneath them, they are unable to move,  and will continue to take trample damage until the Khajaru moves on or  past them. 

Regional Abilities - Breath Weapon (Super Heated Water: Cone):  Once per turn the Khajaru is able to blast an area with intense, super  heated water that deals 90 points of damage. Those that are targeted  gain an Agility check at a TS of 8 to dodge the attack. This breath  weapon ignores armor absorption and is a Full Action.  It has a range of  250' and has a terminus of 25' radius.     

No need for Air:  The Khajaru does not have a need to breath.  It is immune to all gases,  gas based attacks or the effect of  unusual atmospheres (such as the  Void, or underwater). 

Tendrils: The  Khajaru as 2d10 tendrils located at different locations (such as where  arms might be, tails, or on its back).  As a Move action the Khajaru can  slam the area around them up to 100'. These tendrils are 10' thick.   Creatures that are in an area that is targeted by the Khajaru are  granted an Agility check at a TS of 7 to dodge out of the way.  Those  that fail are crushed beneath the tendril taking 80 points of damage.  The Khajaru can target one area per tendril. 

Tidal Wave:  Once per turn as a Full Action the Khajaru is able to cause a gigantic  wave of water to slam into their opponents. This wave is generally 100’  high and 300’ wide. Those in the path of the wave must somehow get out  of the way of the wave. Those that do not are swept up into the raging  water and suffer 8d10+15 points of damage and be swept away up to 240'. This can only be accomplished if the Khajaru is in water. A tidal wave  can cover 240’ in 3 turns.

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