The Mharu, also known as Death, is a mythological figure found through out nearly all species belief systems. Mharu is mainly associated with war, fate and death. It is a supernatural, spectral entity that hunts down those that have escaped death, one way or another. Mharu appears in two distinct forms: a dark cloaked entity that has no real body underneath the cloak that carries with it a single giant scythe; the other is a large black kanus shape draped in long flowing robes and wielding twin sickle swords.
Mharu are bound to death to deliver and retrieve souls that have escaped the consequences of their actions that have resulted in them either dying or being revived from their death, including them some how eluding their death through the benefit of luck (Heroic Luck). Many ancient texts mention the Mharu is often in the employ of the Phantom Queen (also known as The Harbinger of Death; The Raven Mistress). There are three types of Mharu: Lesser, Mharu, and Greater.
Mharu, Lesser (MP: 2,750) (Rare) 10th Rank - Evil (Medium)
(8th-12th Rank Challenge)
Health Points: 101
Attack Skill: 135/125/115 Initiative: 26
Attacks: Claws (5; d10); Scythe (7; 2H,a15,e,o); +10 Str
Armor: Heavy Skin Hide (25) ; +10 Armor Absorb vs. Bludgeoning Weapon type; Immune to Piercing;
Physical Defense: 75 Magical Defense: 74
Divine Defense:76 Jinhu Defense: 76
Move: 25’ Luck: 7 Vision: Perfect Nightvision
Attributes: Str: 103 (10) Sta: 91 (8) Agi: 98 (9) Per: 97 (9)
Int: 96 (9) Wits: 103 (10) Will: 104 (10) Cha: 98 (9)
Alertness 86, Convince 85, Climb 90, Evade 86, Feint 86, Information Gathering 84, Intimidation 100, Search 93, Skepticism 93, Stealth 75, Survival 90, Track 90
Creature Type: Supernatural
Treasure: None
Environment: Any
Organization: solitary
Special Abilities
Augmented Critical Anytime that a creature is critically successful with a skill check, they gain an additional +2 successes to critical determination roll.
Cause Fear Any being, other than creatures of the same type, that is within 15’ of the creature must make a Willpower check at a TS of 8. Those that fail are Troubled. Defense needs to only be made once per encounter with the creature. This is a charm effect.
Death Cry Three times per day as a Simple Action the creature can create an anguished cry, wail or screech. Any creature within 30’ radius of the creature when it uses this ability must make a Stamina at a TS of 5 check or suffer a loss of half of their current Health and Fatigue Points in damage. Creatures unable to hear the cry are immune to this power’s effects. This is sonic energy type.
Innate Spell (Darkness, Death Strike, Durzha) Each of the castings have 9 total successes. The creature can call upon the use of each of these spells twice per day as a Simple Action.
Life Drain Any time the creature successfully hits a target, the target must make a Willpower check at a TS of 4. Those that fail lose 3d10+5 points from either Strength, Stamina and Willpower as well as gain a Negative Rank. If a creature should reach 0 in either attribute the target dies. Defense needs to only be made once per encounter with the creature.
Mist Form Three times per day as a Basic Action the creature can shift its body into one made up of very fine mist. This allows the creature to gain immunity to non-magical physical attacks for the duration of time it remains in this form. The creature can maintain this form for 2d10 turns. While in this form the creature may slip through even the smallest, thinnest of cracks or move away at double its normal movement.
Sunlight Vulnerability The creature is highly vulnerable to the rays of sunlight, or light. The creature suffers 3-30 (3d10) points of damage per turn while in this light. This is a curse effect type.
Swift Move The creature is able to make an additional Move Action and Simple Action in their turn.
(MP: 3,380) (Very Rare) 15th Rank - Evil (Large) (13th-17th Rank Challenge)
Health Points: 200
Attack Skill: 185/175/165 Initiative: 26
Attacks: Claws (8; d10); Twin Sickles (4; d10); +16 Str
Armor: Heavy Skin Hide (45) ; +10 Armor Absorb vs. Bludgeoning Weapon type; Immune to Piercing;
Physical Defense: 136 Magical Defense: 154
Divine Defense: 147 Jinhu Defense: 146
Move: 25’ Luck: 7 Vision: Perfect Nightvision
Attributes: Str: 133 (16) Sta: 144 (18) Agi: 76 (5) Per: 72 (4)
Int: 97 (9) Wits: 102 (10) Will: 100 (10) Cha: 104 (10)
Alertness 114, Climb 124, Convince 129, Evade 124, Information Gathering 129, Intimidation 129, Languages 129 Search 124, Stealth 124, Track 128
Creature Type: Supernatural
Treasure: None
Environment: Any
Organization: solitary
Special Abilities
Augmented Critical Anytime that a creature is critically successful with a skill check, they gain an additional +2 successes to critical determination roll.
Cause Greater Fear Any being, other than creatures of the same type, that is within 30’ of the creature must make a Fear (or Willpower) check at a TS of 10. Those that fail are Frightened. Defense needs to only be made once per encounter with the creature. This is a charm effect.
Death Cry Three times per day as a Simple Action the creature can create an anguished cry, wail or screech. Any creature within 30’ radius of the creature when it uses this ability must make a Stamina at a TS of 10 check or suffer a loss of half of their current Health and Fatigue Points in damage. Creatures unable to hear the cry are immune to this power’s effects. This is sonic energy type.
Immunity to (Magic) The creature is immune to arcane magic. The creature is immune have no effect on the creature.
Innate Spell (AntiMagic Sight, Cause Fear, Darkness, Durzha, Slay) Each of the castings have 12 total successes. The creature can call upon the use of each of these spells twice per day as a Simple Action.
Life Drain Any time the creature successfully hits a target, the target must make a Willpower check at a TS of 8. Those that fail lose 3d10+5 points from either Strength, Stamina and Willpower as well as gain a Negative Rank. If a creature should reach 0 in either attribute the target dies. Defense needs to only be made once per encounter with the creature.
Mist Form Three times per day as a Basic Action the creature can shift its body into one made up of very fine mist. This allows the creature to gain immunity to non-magical physical attacks for the duration of time it remains in this form. The creature can maintain this form for 2d10 turns. While in this form the creature may slip through even the smallest, thinnest of cracks or move away at double its normal movement.
Sunlight Vulnerability The creature is highly vulnerable to the rays of sunlight, or light. The creature suffers 3-30 (3d10) points of damage per turn while in this light. This is a curse effect type.
Swift Move The creature is able to make an additional Move Action and Simple Action in their turn.
Mharu, Greater
(MP: 3,380) (Legendary) 20th Rank - Evil (Huge)
(18th-22nd Rank Challenge)
Health Points: 290 Attack Skill: 220/210/200 Initiative: 26
Attacks: Claws (9; d10); Giant Scythe (9; 2H,a20,e,o); +12 Str
Armor: Heavy Skin Hide (35) ; +10 Armor Absorb vs. Bludgeoning Weapon type; Immune to Piercing;
Physical Defense: 106 Magical Defense: 113
Divine Defense: 111 Jinhu Defense: 111
Move: 25’ Luck: 7 Vision: Perfect Nightvision
Attributes: Str: 114 (12) Sta: 109 (11) Agi: 85 (7) Per: 87 (7)
Int: 100 (10) Wits: 100 (10) Will: 95 (9) Cha: 99 (9)
Alertness 92, Climb 100, Convince 102, Evade 100, Information Gathering 103, Intimidation 102, Languages 102 Search 100, Stealth 100, Track 103
Creature Type: Supernatural
Treasure: None
Environment: Any
Organization: solitary
Special Abilities
Augmented Critical Anytime that a creature is critically successful with a skill check, they gain an additional +2 successes to critical determination roll.
Cause Greater Fear Any being, other than creatures of the same type, that is within 30’ of the creature must make a Fear (or Willpower) check at a TS of 8. Those that fail are Frightened. Defense needs to only be made once per encounter with the creature. This is a charm effect.
Death Cry Three times per day as a Simple Action the creature can create an anguished cry, wail or screech. Any creature within 30’ radius of the creature when it uses this ability must make a Stamina at a TS of 8check or suffer a loss of half of their current Health and Fatigue Points in damage. Creatures unable to hear the cry are immune to this power’s effects. This is sonic energy type.
Immunity to (Magic) The creature is immune to arcane magic. The reature is immune have no effect on the creature.
Innate Spell (AntiMagic Sight, Cause Fear, Darkness, Durzha, Slay) Each of the castings have 12 total successes. The creature can call upon the use of each of these spells twice per day as a Simple Action.
Life Drain Any time the creature successfully hits a target, the target must make a Willpower check at a TS of 6. Those that fail lose 3d10+5 points from either Strength, Stamina and Willpower as well as gain a Negative Rank. If a creature should reach 0 in either attribute the target dies. Defense needs to only be made once per encounter with the creature.
Mist Form Three times per day as a Basic Action the creature can shift its body into one made up of very fine mist. This allows the creature to gain immunity to non-magical physical attacks for the duration of time it remains in this form. The creature can maintain this form for 2d10 turns. While in this form the creature may slip through even the smallest, thinnest of cracks or move away at double its normal movement.
Sunlight Vulnerability The creature is highly vulnerable to the rays of sunlight, or light. The creature suffers 3-30 (3d10) points of damage per turn while in this light. This is a curse effect type.
Swift Move The creature is able to make an additional Move Action and Simple Action in their turn.