The Void is mostly an empty canvas with sporadic clusters of intense activity surrounding a solvetras. It is within these solvetras that other worlds exist and on those worlds others species. Sometimes these species make a run from their solvetras into the wild Void to avoid some cataclysmic event. The Erghul are native to the world of Faleriath and also explorers of the Void and are a common sight throughout the known Omniverse. While not technologically advanced to be able to create gigantic Void-faring ships, they have been able to leave their world in the service of others or have been able to master the magics that enable them to travel from one plane to another to another often times finding themselves literally lost within the planes of existence.
Physical Description
When others attempt to describe to one another what a Erghul looks like, they end up getting some very strange looks. While humanoid in shape they have only three fingers per hand, their feet in with three forward toes and one large rear toe. They appear to be reptilian in nature as their heads are elongated with a wide snout that have nose slits along the top, and they lack the reptilian sharp teeth and hard scales. Their bodies are smooth and hairless. The tops of their heads are a heavy bone. Additionally, they have bony plates that cover much of their body giving them natural armor protection.
They also have up to four pairs of barbels or slender whisker-like sensory organs near the mouth: two near their nose slits, one on each side of their mouth and two pairs on the chin. They range in color from a deep gray to a bright-burnt orange, some even have a pink or cream color tone. They are able to grow long hair that naturally mats and twists into long locks and tight braids. The males of the species tend to grow short beards.
As with all species describing the personality of an entire culture or species is often over simplified and rarely takes in account the subtle differences between individuals, let alone an entire species. Erghul personalities are as varied as any, and more akin to the range of human personalities. If anything Erghul are often underestimated because of their odd shaped heads and ponderous ways of carrying themselves. As a species Intelligence, and Wits are highly valued and most have these traits in spades. Yet, they rarely take the time or the steps to correct the misconceptions others may have about them. This often helps them identify potential foes. They are very open-minded and accepting of others who visit their communities. However, they are very quick to defend themselves and do so with great skill.
They are intensely curious about others and cultures that they come across. They will often seize any opportunity to meet beings of another species, taking care to learn their customs and etiquette. They enjoy sharing wild tales and news from across the world and the Omniverse. They are by no means shy and are quick to strike up a conversation with a stranger, particularly a member of a new species they have encountered.
Languages and Names
Erghul speak common as well as their native tongue of Evvas. They also employ an intricate silent language using hand gestures and the movement of their barbels.
Cultural Kin and Communities
The Erghul people are geared toward family life and events that surround their lifestyle. Their life is particularly rich in ceremony and ritual. They tend to have small families which belong to larger clans which tend to be nomadic making their livelihood as crafters, hunters, and trade. Erghul are well known for their unique ability of spinning and weaving that creates unique clothing and skin tight armors. Their culture today is a blend of old traditions adapted with new technologies and practices, an adaptability that traces to their mythologies.
Traditionally, Erghul society is organized through matrilineal kinship and are governed by consensus of the family and clan; though some groups have elected leaders. Communities are not necessarily defined as a village or town but rather a collection of dwellings or hamlets distributed over a wide area.
Erghul religion is widely practiced and notable for its intricacy. Some of its many traditions relate the emergence of the first ones from various worlds beneath the surface of the world; other stories explain the origins and purposes of numerous rites and ceremonies. Some of these are simple rituals carried out by individuals or families for luck in travel and trade or for the protection of travel and trade. More-complex rites involve a specialist priests. Traditionally, most rites were primarily for curing physical and mental illness. In other ceremonies there are simply prayers or songs. In some cases there are public dances and exhibitions at which hundreds of Erghul gather. The traditional music at these events is predominately vocal and is accompanied by a variety of instruments such as drums, flutes, rasps, and stringed instruments.
Alhar Features
Species Merit Cost: 1300
Age: Erghul being at the age the of 20 and may live up to 150 years
Size: Erghul are medium creatures (5'-0" to 6'-6")
Weight: Base 120 plus 4d10+5
Vision: Erghul have Heightened Nightvision
Move: Base Move of 20 feet per Movement Action
Languages: Erghul begin play speaking Evvas and any three other languages they choose
Resistances: +10 Horror and Fear checks
Erghul Bonuses: +20 Alertness checks; +10 to checks vs. Surprise
Erghul Attribute Modifiers: +10 to any two: Stamina, Agility, Intelligence or Wits
Erghul Traits: Natural Armor. Erghul have 10 Natural Armor Absorption
Psionic Thoughts. Erghul have a very limited form of telepathy which grants them the ability to communicate with any willing creature within a 15’ radius of them. Addressing multiple targets is possible with a Willpower TS check of 1 per additional target above 1. They do not need to know the language of targets around them.
Species Abilities: Erghul begin play with two of the following abilities: Ancient Memories, Curiosity, Defensive Training, Expert Talent, Hidden Sense, Infernal Magic, Scavenger, Viza Suri
Species Abilities
Ancient Memories: You have a strong tie to the ancient wisdom and knowledge of the world and your ancestors. You gain four Lore skills, which also receive a +10 bonus
Curiosity: You’ve a strong, natural inquisitiveness about the world. You gain +10 bonus to any fear checks. Should you begin the turn affected by fear, you are able to reduce the severity of the fear effect from frightened to scared, and scared to trouble. You also have a tendency to end up with other peoples things; you gain a +10 to the Sleight of Hand skill. Additionally, while in an urban setting, once per day you may roll on the Minor Art Items treasure table to determine what small item you may have picked up.
Defensive Training: You have trained hard, taken beatings and still have gotten up to battle on. Because of this harsh training you have also learned how not to get hit or repel a mental/spiritual assault. You gain an additional +5 bonus to any 1 Defense Type per rank to a maximum bonus of +50, you must choose a new Defense type each rank.
Expert Talent: Generally many Erghul have become an expert in a number of skills. They gain +5 modifier to their favorite three skills. The favorite skills cannot be changed once play begins.
Hidden Sense: Erghul have a knack for noticing unusual workings and configurations. They can more easily spot alterations in patterns that may hide traps, hidden doors or movable walls. Anytime they pass within 10 feet of these types of features they gain a Perception check to notice these features without any penalties and whether or not it is actively looking for them.
Infernal Magic: At some point in your family history it was tainted with a bloodline of a fiend or demon. Because of this, the spells from either Fire, Earth, Water or Air elements are treated as 1 PR level lower for casting purposes only, but can never be lower than 0 PR. Once it have chosen this element it may not change it.
Scavenger: What others see as garbage, trash or simply overlook, you see as opportunity. This way of looking at the world has given you the ability to find hidden objects more easily. You gain +1 success per 3 ranks to your Search skill. You also gain +10 to your Fabrication skill. You are able to stretch what material you can use to fabricate objects to just about anything that can be manipulated to do what you want.
Viza Suri: You can use a heightened sense twice per day for up to 1 hour, which allows you to sense the auras of objects and living things around them up to a 30’ diameter. They are able to “see” when blinded or complete darkness. Everything appears translucent in form while the Erghul have their eyes closed. They are able see through solid objects.