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It is written that when the Omniverse was still very young, and the One fought Chaos, the skajaldi were brought into the Omniverse and are among the oldest known species to make their way through the vastness of the Great Black Sea. The skajaldi are tortoise-like humanoids.
Of all the known species through out the Omniverse, there are only four species that have lifespans over 500. The first were the Lhatijo who vanished in 605,000,001 BFA (Before First Age), the second were the Culthians, neither of which as a species survived. The third are the Trolls of Kralis. The fourth are the Skajaldi who rose on their world of Skaja in 508,698 BFA.

     Very little is actually known about Skaja and why the Skajaldi are not mentioned in the Great Tomes of Time.  Many scholars believe that Skaja was destroyed in some great cataclysm, others theorize that Skaja is not actually in the Omniverse, but resides in an unknown dimension, or perhaps even another universe altogether.  Any of these theories would explain the rarity of the species.  No Skajaldi alive today, despite their great memories, has any species memory of these events.  Since the beginning of their species, Skajaldi have traveled through out the known Omniverse often in the company of other, more void experienced species arriving at worlds that they normally would never have reached.

       Skajaldi are true spiritualists, not unlike the ba-liyan, they adhere to the observance of nature, specifically what they call Khinsha which literally means "the way of sacred power", similar in fashion to the the power of the ancient power called speghiz’iech (unshaped ancient form of present day jinhu).

Physical Description

      Skajaldi are a part of the lizard-kin species, which include lizard-kin,  the saurian and others.  They are unique in that they carry a large,  thick and heavy carapce on their backs which is a part of their core  body.  The shell of a skajaldi is very hard, and they are able retract  their necks and heads directly backward into the shell to protect  them.   They range in size from four-feet to eight-feet in height, and  weigh between 250 and 600 pounds.  They have long thick, legs that end  in large, flat feet that have three-clawed toes.  Their arms are similar  to that of most humanoids, but are covered in a thick, leathery skin.   They have long necks, short tails.  They have a tortoise-like head, they  have a "standard" mouth lined with columns of teeth, and the front of  the mouth forming a keratinous beak.  They are not overtly bulky,  despite that their shells being the heaviest portion of their body  weight.

     The exposed skin of the skajaldi ranges in color from  grey-white to yellowish-brown to olive-green to blue-green.  As skajaldi  grow in age will darken turning black.  Their shells have the greatest  range of coloration and design.  The front or ventral portion of their  shells tend to be of a lighter shade than that of their shells.   Skajaldi do not wear standard clothing: pants, or shirts, and rarely  boots. They often do wear woven sandals that allow them to still use  their clawed feet. They do often wear cloaks or capes, they favor  belts, harnesses and uniquely designed backpacks to carry their  belongings. 

    Skajaldi are well known swimmers, capable of deep  dives, or floating on the surface. Their unique quad-lungs allow them  to submerge or remain in an airless area for many hours. 


       As a species skajaldi are known to be a highly reclusive species  preferring to live in remote areas.  They are not keen on arctic  regions, preferring warmer climes. Generally speaking they are peaceful, empathic, and get along with those with similar  personalities. Generally, they are smart, curious and emotional. Skajaldi are prone to slow, careful, and rational thinking, though they are well known for their combat abilities.  They all enjoy social  situations with diverse company and engaging conversation. Skajaldi are  trusting and direct, they are hard to anger, but when pushed or wronged  they never forget.

      When forced into combat they use a wide variety of skills and abilities.  The most often-used types of weapons  tend to be chains, clubs, staves and swords.  Many lone traveling Skajaldi have been known to use uniquely crafted missile weapons from small cannon launchers to rifles and pistols. They are well versed in the use of aradagh (technology), though they prefer a  more simple, or ancient ways and only use aradagh to benefit their  lives, when necessary.  

Languages and Names

       All skajaldi speak Shturtak.  It is a language that contain words that have multiple meanings depending on the context it is used with and the  situation.  Shturtak is a rhythmic in nature and tends to be spoken in a slower manner.  Names tend to be short and very simple, but there are exceptions to this.  Simple names include El, Dami, Quto, Iro, Ot, Duat, and Ge, more complex names include Kruanqwel, Pluaqwu, Xueque, Wuenqa, and Kerdlu.  There is no distinction between male or female names.   Traditionally, skajaldi will change their names to fit their age. 

Cultural Kin and Communities

       Being a reclusive species tends to mean that most live solitary lives. However, this does not preclude the fact that many also prefer to live  in small hamlets. These hamlets are called shotolu (show-TOW-loo),  literally meaning "round home" and are favored by skajaldi.  They are a  walled village and are are typically designed for defensive purposes and  consist of one entrance and no windows at the ground level.   They are  usually of a circular configuration surrounding a central shrine. They  tend to be constructed from brick, stone or rammed earth with an  external wall is typically three feet thick and tend to be four stories  tall.  internally divided into many compartments for food storage,  living quarters, ancestral temple, armoury etc. These hamlets are often  1,000 feet in diameter. Uniquely, these are covered by a roof that  covers nearly the entirety of the hamlet except for a single hole in the  center just above the shrine.

      Skajaldi, when they decide to  take a mate, do so for life. Those that are able and willing will  produce 2-4 eggs once every 100 years which take can take up to 6 months  to hatch.  Both partners partake in the raising of these hatchlings.

     Those skajaldi that live within a shotolu also live under the leadership of a grand skajaldi, called a Shujur.  This tends to be the oldest, and presumed wisest of the residents of the shotolu. 

 Skajaldi Features 

     Species Merit Cost: 2000 

Age: 25,  maximum age 750 years 

Size: Skajaldi tend to be medium creatures, but large or small are not uncommon 

Weight: Base 175 plus 5d10 

Vision: Skajaldi have Normal Vision 

Move: Base Move of 20 feet per Movement Action 

Languages: Skajaldi begin play speaking Shturtak and any three languages they choose. 

Resistances: +50 to Fear Checks and +20 Horror Checks 

Skajaldi Bonuses: Skajaldi gain +15 Swimming checks,+20 Fatigue Points; 

Skajaldi Attribute Modifiers: +10 to any two: Stamina, Intelligence, Wits or Willpower 

Skajaldi Traits: Deep Dive All skajaldi are able to hold their breath for 1 hour per 25 Stamina score. 

Heavy Shell All  skajaldi have a heavy and thick shell that makes them immune to rear  attacks. This shell along with their tough and resilient outer hide also  grants them a +15 Natural Armor.  However, the shell often makes it  difficult for them to wear any additional armor, and they tend to rely  on magical items and even aradagh for additional defenses.

   Additionally, in extreme situations they can, as a Move Action,  withdrawal into their shell granting them immunity to all normal attacks of Slashing and Piercing. 

Burrow: As a  Move Action a skajaldi can burrow into and move through dirt, or almost  any other sort of earth except metal as easily as walking normally.   This burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole.  If a skajaldi is within  6' of the surface it causes a mound of dirt to rise showing its  passage.   

Vulnerabilities As a  playable species skajaldi are vulnerable to: Cold, Electrical, and Fire  taking an additional 2d10 in damage when hit with these energy types.


Species Abilities Yandrae  begin play with two of the following abilities: Ancient Memories, Bond  to the Land, Create Totem, Deep Thought, Focused Mind, Hidden Sense,  Spirit Guide, Weave Talent. 

Species Abilities

 Ancient Memories:  The creature has a strong tie to the ancient wisdom and knowledge of  the world and its ancestors. Pick any four Lore skills it gain a bonus  +10 to these skills. 

Bond to the Land:  Choose one of the following terrain types: Aquatic, Desert, Forest,  Hills, Mountains, Plains, Swamp or Underground. So long as a skajaldi is  in this specified terrain it gains a +10 bonus to all skills dealing  with evade, lore (Specific Region), navigation, search, stealth, survival, and tracking. 

Create Totem: Connected to its ancestral spirits it gain this Totem Magic for free. 

Deep Thought:  The skajaldi is known for its deep, trance like thinking. Because of  this it gain a +10 bonus to Meditation, Concentration, Interrogate, Skepticism, or Convince.

Focused Mind: A  skajaldi gains +10 cumulative bonus for every hour it concentrate on  any next non-combat skill check. The creature may only focus for 1/2 its  Stamina modifier in hours to gain this bonus. During combat as a Simple  Action it gain +10 bonus to any next non-attribute check that it make. 

Hidden Sense:  A skajaldi has a knack for noticing unusual workings and  configurations. The creature can more easily spot alterations in  patterns that may hide traps, hidden doors or movable walls. Anytime  that it pass within 10 feet of these types of features it gain a  Perception check to notice these features without any penalties and  whether or not it is actively looking for them. 

Spirit Guide:  The creature is well known for their connections they make to their  ancestors, and it have connected with a spiritual guide to aide it. Once per day its guide can advise it on any topic granting it a +1 success  to any skill check per 3 of its ranks.  Additionally, once per day it  may re-roll any failed check without the use of Heroic Luck. 

Weave Talent: Gain +10 bonus to either Divine Knowledge or Spellcraft and gain +10 Fatigue Points. This cannot be used with Kai Talent.

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