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      As one the three Asphikos (avian therianthropes),  the wereowl holds a unique place within therianthropes.  Unlike the  wereeagle or wereraven, these therianthropes have a more drastic change  to their humanoid form.  They grow an additional couple of vertebrae  which allows them to turn their heads nearly all the way around. 

     Those that have this therianthropy tend to prefer to be solitary. The  majority tend to develop a calm, reserved personality that is enhanced  by an intelligent visage.  Though as with all those with any type of  therianthropy many also succumb to the dark passenger that the carry  with them.

          In their humanoid form wereowls, beyond growing a  longer neck by a few inches, find their eye colors become a solid color,  generally black, but some are auburn, golden-yellow or a deep blue. Additionally, they find that their hair as grown longer, finer and is  streaked with greys, whites and silver.  Those that are hairless tend to  have their skin reflect similar streaks on their shoulders and upper  arms.      

        Wereowl hybrid forms are a mixture of humanoid and owl.   Their head transforms into a variety of owl head shapes from round to  oval shapes, some with tufts of feathers above their ears.  All take on  beak shapes where their mouth and nose was.  The biggest change is that  they grow a large set of wings, double the humanoids height, from their  backs.  Their legs and feet alter to adjust for talons.  Their core body  and arms remain humanoid in shape thought their fingers do form claws.       

Their animal form they become gigantic owls.

Species Adjustments

These are the adjustments that a character with this therianthropy gain in addition to their character. 

Merit Point Increase: +1250 per rank in addition to normal Species Merit Cost 

Health Points: +10 

Attributes: +10 to Agility, +20 Perception; OR

                    +10 to Intelligence and +10 Wits        

Move: Gain +10 to Base Movement        

Vulnerability: Weapon Vulnerability (Brass or Iron) A wereowl is particularly vulnerable to the use of silver weapons.When this weapon is used against them they suffer additional 2d10 of bonus damage. 

Therianthrope Special Abilities in Humanoid form:

Animal Telepathy:  A therianthrope-humanoid can mentally communicate with its specific  animal types (rats, wolves, bears, bats, drakes, tigers, apes,  etc.) within 90’. 

Berserk: When a  therianthrope-humanoid enters combat, there is a cumulative 10% chance  each turn that it will go  berserk. The uncontrolled creature goes  on a rampage, attacking the nearest foe or smashing some object smaller  than  itself if no target is within reach, then moves on to  spread more destruction. It gains a +25 bonus for Attacks, gains 1 additional Full Action per turn, but suffers a -50 penalty to  Physical Defense Checks. This lasts for d10+2 turns or until a  therianthrope-humanoid is dead. 

Hard to Kill:  Anytime that a therianthrope-humanoid is reduced to 0 health it may  make a Stamina Check. If successful a therianthrope-humanoid  continues to fight and move on. A therianthrope-humanoid must make a new  Stamina Check each time it is hit or once per turn until it can  be healed or is killed. If it fails the check it dies instantly. 

Natural Armor: The therianthrope-humanoid has a natural armor of (Stamina Modifier x3). 

Regeneration:  A therianthrope-humanoid can regenerate Health Points equal to (their  Stamina modifier) health points per hour, along with regenerating  lost limbs.  

Hybrid Form Statistics 


Health Points: +10 (to PC Base) 

Attack Skill: +10 (to PC Base)        

Initiative: +10 

Attacks: Talons/Bite (6/8;a10,b5) 

Armor: Thick Skinned (Light Armor) (10); +5 Armor Absorb vs. Bludgeoning and Slashing weapon types 

Physical Defense: +10 (to PC Base)     Magical Defense: +25 (to PC Base) 

Divine Defense: +10 (to PC Base)        Jinhu Defense: +10 (to PC Base) 

Move: Flight (75' MC:B)     Luck Points: 2     Vision: Heightened Nightvision Attributes: Agi: +10, Per: +15

                    Int: +10, Wits: +10, Will: +15

 Special Abilities

 All Around Vision A  wereowl is exceptionally alert to everything around it.  It gains +25  bonus to all Perception  based checks.  In addition, it  does not suffer any penalties when defending against flank or rear  attacks. 

Flight (winged)  During  flight any skills that require concentration suffer -20 penalty, while  hovering any skills that require concentration suffer -40  penalty when being used (i.e. Attack Skill, Defense Skill, Spell craft,  Jinhu Discipline, Divine Knowledge and other such skills.)  With a Concentration Skill check this penalty is reduced by 5 per 2 successes on the skill check.  They can carry up to  ten times their Stamina Score in total weight with no penalties.  Wearing medium types of armor slows their  flight movement by one-quarter while wearing heavy armor reduce their movement by one-half. Movement Class is based  on size:  (B)

Frightening Screech Three  times per day as a Basic Action a wereowl is able to direct a  frightening screech at a single target that is within 20’  of it.  The targeted creature gains a Willpower check vs. TS of 3 those  that fail become Troubled for 2d10 turns.  Those that  succeed in their check cannot be affected again by the same wereowl’s screech for 24 hours.  Creatures that are already troubled  become Scared, those that are already scared become Frightened. 

Like a Ghost  Three times per day as a Basic Action a wereowl is able to become nearly invisible (75% Concealed) for 3 turns. 

Stunning Attack A  wereowl is able to stun a target that it successfully hits.  Targets  gain a Willpower check vs. TS of 1 Per 3 successes of the  wereowls attack.  Those that fail are stunned for 1d10+2 turns.  

Swooping Attack A wereowl gains a  +30 to attacks while gliding or swooping over an area and is within the creatures Strike Range. 

Animal Form Statistics 

Owl Form (Medium Sized; 5'-6') 

Health Points: 73     

Attack Skill: 73/63; 

Attacks: Talons (5) or Bite (7); +4 Per Dmg     

Armor Type: None 

Physical Defense: 60        Magical Defense: 57    

Divine Defense: 58           Jinhu Defense: 58 

Str: 67 (3) Sta: 65 (3) Agi: 71 (4) Per: 70 (4)

 Int: 62 (2) Wits: 62 (2) Will: 74 (4) Cha: 71 (4) 

Move: Flight (Winged) 120' MC:A       Vision: Perfect Nightvision


               Alertness 69, Evade 76, Search 76, Stealth 76, Track 74 

Special Abilities 

Flight (winged)   During flight any skills that require concentration suffer -20 penalty,  while hovering any skills that require concentration  suffer -40 penalty when being used (i.e. Attack Skill, Defense Skill,  Spell craft, Jinhu Discipline, Divine Knowledge and other  such skills.) With a Concentration Skill check this penalty is reduced  by 5 per 2 successes on the skill check.  They can carry  up to ten times their Stamina Score in total weight with no penalties.  Wearing medium types of armor slows their  flight movement by one-quarter while wearing heavy armor reduce their movement by one-half. Movement Class is based  on size:  (B) 

Frightening Screech Three  times per day as a Basic Action a wereowl is able to direct a  frightening screech at asingle target that is within 20’  of it.  The targeted creature gains a Willpower check vs. TS of 3 those  that failbecome Troubled for 2d10 turns.  Those that  succeed in their check cannot be affected again by the same wereowl’s screech for 24 hours.  Creatures that are already troubled  become Scared, those that are already scared become Frightened.

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