Next to the wereowl as one the three Asphikos (avian therianthropes), those that have this therianthropy are considered amongst the wisest, cunning and most genius of all therianthropes. To a number of species those that have this therianthropy are considered demi-gods, symbolizing change and spiritual force. Most wereravens tend to be of good or devoted good philosophy.
Most of those that have this therianthropy tend to develop personality traits that include being wary and secretive, not in the same way as wererats or others that try to hide their therianthropy, but more akin to introversion and keeping to themselves more than outright avoiding society.
Wereravens take on some physical changes with this therianthropy. Nearly all have their hair change to become sheer black, and those that do not have hair have black lighting streaks emerge along their chests and shoulders. Their eye gain a golden circle around their pupils, or in the case of species without standard pupils a golden ring in the center of their eyes.
When in their hybrid form they sprout black feathered wings from their back, their legs alter into bird-like form and end with powerful talons. Their heads alter to allow a beak to form from their mouths. Their arms, mid-body remain humanoid but their hand end in clawed fingers.
In their animal form they appear as a giant raven.
Species Adjustments
These are the adjustments that a character with this therianthropy gain in addition to their character.
Merit Point Increase: +1250 per rank in addition to normal Species Merit Cost
Health Points: +10
Attributes: +10 to Agility and Perception; OR
+10 to Intelligence and +10 Charisma
Move: Gain +10 to Base Movement
Vulnerability: Weapon Vulnerability (Obsidian) A wereraven is particularly vulnerable to the use of obsidian weapons. When this weapon is used against them they suffer additional 2d10 of bonus damage.
Therianthrope Special Abilities in Humanoid form:
Animal Telepathy: A therianthrope-humanoid can mentally communicate with its specific animal types (rats, wolves, bears, bats, drakes, tigers, apes, etc.) within 90’.
Berserk: When a therianthrope-humanoid enters combat, there is a cumulative 10% chance each turn that it will go berserk. The uncontrolled creature goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest foe or smashing some object smaller than itself if no target is within reach, then moves on to spread more destruction. It gains a +25 bonus for Attacks, gains 1 additional Full Action per turn, but suffers a -50 penalty to Physical Defense Checks. This lasts for d10+2 turns or until a therianthrope-humanoid is dead.
Hard to Kill: Anytime that a therianthrope-humanoid is reduced to 0 health it may make a Stamina Check. If successful a therianthrope-humanoid continues to fight and move on. A therianthrope-humanoid must make a new Stamina Check each time it is hit or once per turn until it can be healed or is killed. If it fails the check it dies instantly.
Natural Armor: The therianthrope-humanoid has a natural armor of (Stamina Modifier x3).
Regeneration: A therianthrope-humanoid can regenerate Health Points equal to (their Stamina modifier) health points per hour, along with regenerating lost limbs.
Hybrid Form Statistics
Health Points: +15 (to PC Base)
Attack Skill: +10 (to PC Base)
Initiative: +10
Attacks: Talon/Bite (5/7;a10,b5)
Armor: None
Physical Defense: +25 (to PC Base) Magical Defense: +10 (to PC Base)
Divine Defense: +15 (to PC Base) Jinhu Defense: +15 (to PC Base)
Move: Flight (Winged) 50' MC:B Luck Points: 2 Vision: See Below
Attributes: Str: +10, Agi: +15, Per: +15
Int: +15, Will: +15
Special Abilities
Battle Frenzy When a wereraven becomes battered, it flies into a battle frenzy until it is killed or is returned to a non-battered state. During this time a wereraven becomes immune to critical hits, and gains +30 to its attacks and +15 to its Physical Defense.
Dark Sight A wereraven is able to see through all forms of non-magical darkness by means of heightened eyesight that allows a wereraven to see the world in shades of gray.
Flight (winged) During flight any skills that require concentration suffer -20 penalty, while hovering any skills that require concentration suffer -40 penalty when being used (i.e. Attack Skill, Defense Skill, Spell craft, Jinhu Discipline, Divine Knowledge and other such skills.) With a Concentration Skill check this penalty is reduced by 5 per 2 successes on the skill check. They can carry up to ten times their Stamina Score in total weight with no penalties. Wearing medium types of armor slows their flight movement by one-quarter while wearing heavy armor reduce their movement by one-half.
Frightening Screech Three times per day as a Basic Action a wereraven is able to direct a frightening screech at a single target that is within 20’ of it. The targeted creature gains a Willpower check vs. TS of 5 those that fail become Troubled for 2d10 turns. Those that succeed in their check cannot be affected again by the wereraven's screech for 24 hours. Creatures that are already troubled become Scared, those that are already scared become Frightened.
Superior Flight Three times per day for up to 5 turns a wereraven may quadruple its normal fly rate.
Animal Form Statistics
Raven Form (Medium Sized; 5'-6')
Health Points: 73
Attack Skill: 73/63;
Attacks: Talons (5) or Bite (7); +4 Per Dmg
Armor Type: None
Physical Defense: 60 Magical Defense: 57
Divine Defense: 58 Jinhu Defense: 58
Str: 67 (3) Sta: 65 (3) Agi: 71 (4) Per: 70 (4)
Int: 62 (2) Wits: 62 (2) Will: 74 (4) Cha: 71 (4)
Move: Flight (Winged) 120' MC:A Vision: Perfect Nightvision
Alertness 69, Evade 76, Search 76, Stealth 76, Track 74
Special Abilities
Flight (winged) During flight any skills that require concentration suffer -20 penalty, while hovering any skills that require concentration suffer -40 penalty when being used (i.e. Attack Skill, Defense Skill, Spell craft, Jinhu Discipline, Divine Knowledge and other such skills.) With a Concentration Skill check this penalty is reduced by 5 per 2 successes on the skill check. They can carry up to ten times their Stamina Score in total weight with no penalties. Wearing medium types of armor slows their flight movement by one-quarter while wearing heavy armor reduce their movement by one-half. Movement Class is based on size: (B)